
Yellow City Cruiser Kickbike Review

Yellow City Cruiser Kickbike
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Did you like scooters when you were a kid? No, I mean the non-powered kind that you push with your feet. That's what the Kickbike is, an adult-sized scooter with bigger wheels. And yes, it IS pretty fun to ride, especially when you get a decent slope to go down.
It's not quite as fast as a bicycle (but still much faster than walking), and it takes a little more effort than a bike, especially going uphill. But it is fun, anyway, and naturally, it gets GREAT gas mileage. ;-)
There's no chain, gears, or pedals to worry about, so the only maintenance necessary is for the tires, wheels, and brakes. The tires on the City Cruiser are fairly thin (to reduce rolling friction), so this version really is intended for relatively smooth surfaces, and not off-roading. Nor is it well-designed for trick-riding or stunts.
The basket that comes with the City Cruiser is a little on the small side, but it is a fairly fine-mesh type of basket compared to a regular bike basket (although you could probably add a regular basket if you wanted to). Also, there's a bracket opening near the rear wheel you can use to run a chain through so you can lock it up (it's hard to tell in the pictures).
This thing is great for grown-up kids, and is sure to get people's attention.

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